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4 Maintenance Tips Every Truck Driver Should Consider

Whether our trucks have been recently acquired or already have many years of service, providing them with constant maintenance is important to ensure that their performance is optimal. This way, we can prevent ourselves from suffering a mishap on the road, detecting possible problems, and avoiding having to make unnecessary expenses in repairs that would not have been required if we had taken the time to check our truck beforehand.

To begin with, one of the most important steps and one that no driver should ignore is to check the oil levels and make sure to change it regularly. Oil helps keep the engine lubricated, protected, and clean. When the oil is old or not in the optimum state, its performance will not be the same, and could even damage the engine. That is why we must check and change the oil once every six months, or every 5 or 10 thousand miles, depending on the model of our truck.

Another important part when we give maintenance to our trucks is to rotate the tires frequently. This will help us to extend the life of our tires, and the normal wear and tear they suffer will be given in a more uniform way. Another advantage of rotating the tires is that the technician who helps us can check other parts of the truck and detect any damage before it is too late.

Cleaning and washing the exterior of our trucks often ends up last in our priority list. However, it is important that we take this aspect into account. When we wash the outside of our truck, we get rid of different particles and layers of dirt, dust, and rust, which could damage the paint. Besides, this will help our vehicle will have a better image, helping also to improve the image of our company.

Finally, we always have to consider the inspections of our trucks as mandatory. That is why we must have a professional perform an inspection at least once a year, depending on the use and age of our trucks. This way we can be sure that our vehicles are in the best possible conditions, and that our drivers will not suffer any mishap when they drive them.