If you must drive anywhere during the day, there is no way to avoid paying for gas, unless you own an electric car. Those who don’t own electric cars must deal with the ever-rising cost of gasoline. Since there is little chance that gasoline will come down in price significantly, we must find other ways to save money at the pump. Here are some tips that may help you save a few bucks.
If you buy premium gas, you may want to reconsider. Most types of cars don’t really need premium gas. If you have an older car, premium gas could help the engine last a little longer but even then, you don’t have to use premium gas all the time. Using regular will save you a lot of money.
The more weight you have on your car, the more energy (gas) it takes to run it. Sometimes we forget to take things out of the trunk and it gets full of unnecessary stuff that doesn’t need to be there. Try cleaning out your car and keeping the weight down. Every little bit helps.
Doing regular maintenance on your car doesn’t only make it last longer, it also makes it run more efficiently. Change your air filter and oil, replace worn out parts like spark plugs. Even rotating your tires will increase your gas mileage. Doing regular maintenance can also save you from costly repairs later.
If you put a little more thought into your driving, you could increase your gas mileage significantly. Slow down, avoid quick accelerations and hard braking. All the fast driving isn’t going to get you where you’re going that much faster anyway.
Finally, watch gas prices and plan when you fill up. Some gas stations raise their prices on the weekends, so you can plan to fill up on weekdays. Paying attention can save you money in the end.