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CVSA’s Operation Safe Driver Week Continues Until July 20th

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, also known as CVSA, is carrying out Operation Safe Driver Week, which began on Monday, July 15, and will continue until Saturday 20 of the same month. During this week, law enforcement authorities will be in charge of identifying, pulling over, and fining commercial and passenger vehicle drivers who are driving recklessly. These behaviors include not respecting speed limits, distracted driving, changing lanes incorrectly, and even not keeping a safe distance from other vehicles. 

During 2017, at least one factor was recorded related to drivers who were involved in fatal road accidents. This happened in 34% of drivers of commercial vehicles, and in 54% of the drivers of passenger vehicles, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Also, not respecting the speed limits was the common denominator in drivers of both types that were caused or suffered an automobile accident. 

Because of this, the CVSA has decided to focus most of its efforts during Operation Safe Driver Week to prevent and sanction any violation of the established speed limits. To ensure that this message is carried throughout the country, different law enforcement agencies will be responsible for endorsing, promoting, and supporting the message “Late will not kill you, speeding will”. 

One of the main objectives of the Driver Safe Operation Week is to identify and eliminate the various imminent dangers caused by those who tend to drive recklessly and irresponsibly. However, the most important objective is to prevent these risky behaviors behind the wheel from occurring, and that is why the CVSA seeks to inform and educate drivers about the risks involved. During this week, the corresponding authorities will find themselves offering and promoting different safe driving programs for all who are interested. 

Joining efforts, the CVSA and the FMCSA have been working together with the authorities since 2007, carrying out Operation Safe Driver Week, seeking to reduce the number of fatal accidents caused by reckless drivers. To obtain more information about the program, it is necessary to contact the corresponding state authorities or visit the CVSA website.