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How much does a cars paint color add or subtract from its value?

For most people who are looking to buy a car, the color of the paint job is merely a matter of preference. People just go out and look for a car that they think looks good in a certain color. But there are those few people who are always thinking about value and for those people, the color of a car may mean how much they can expect it to be worth if they decide to sell it in the future. The color of a car really does make a difference in its value. 

There are people in the car color business who spend a great deal of time trying to predict what will be the next vehicle colors consumers will prefer. According to some experts, the colors that people like are based on the times. For example, lately people have been having a preference for silver and gray colors. Experts believe that this preference may have something to do with an affinity for technology. Silver and Gray reflect our fascination with technology, such as seen in the brushed chrome cues on laptop computer covers and other electronic devices. 

Whatever the reason, silver continues to lead every car segment in popularity except for Trucks/SUVs/Minivans, which are still dominated by white. Even in that case, silver comes in a close second. All these findings are based on an annual color popularity study conducted by DuPont Automotive. 

So as far as value is concerned, the same applies. Colors that are popular in cars today will remain popular in the future and will therefore hold a better resale value.  

The overall winning colors in contemporary cars in the U.S. for vehicles of all types in order of popularity are silver which leads the way with 23 percent of the vote followed closely by white with 15 percent and finally black with 12 percent. 

So, if one of the factors you look at for choosing a car to buy is how well it holds its value, you may want to look at one of these colors.