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Technological Developments Aimed at Making the Transport Industry Safer

The transport industry is a fundamental part of the economy of the country, and the market depends on it working in the best possible way, and seeking to guarantee the safety of drivers, the freight they transport, and motorists in general. There are currently different programs and initiatives that seek to increase the safety of the transport industry, and that any trucking company must follow. However, we have also seen many technological developments that seek to make this industry safer. 

One of the most important developments we have seen in the industry is the design and optimization of different automated systems. These systems help to improve the management of the shipping chains in such a way that the orders are organized more efficiently. As a result, this helps transport companies make better use of their trucks, making safer journeys, and at the same time reducing the number of trucks that go on the road at the same time. 

During the last years, companies in charge of the design and manufacturing of the different trucks, vehicles, and trailers that are used in the transport industry have focused their efforts to include electric energy and hybrid technology to all their projects. This is how they have managed to introduce more efficient vehicles to the market, which are also safer, since reducing the number of times a driver must leave their route to load gasoline also reduces the chances of generating a road accident. 

Another advance that seems to be increasingly close to becoming a commercial reality is the development and implementation of autonomous vehicles, including freight trucks. Companies like Uber and Tesla have been working on prototypes, and even some of them are already on the streets. However, there are already autopilot systems that can be integrated into the cabins of the trailers, and although they will not be left in charge of driving completely, it can help to significantly reduce the number of accidents caused by human distractions. 

Finding a solution to the security problem that exists in the transport industry has been one of the priorities of experts in various fields. While it is true that most commercial drivers are among the best at the wheel worldwide, it is difficult to control motorists who drive distracted or do not respect speed limits, for example. That is why, although there are already many technological and institutional advances, there is still room to develop strategies that reduce the number of fatal mishaps significantly.